Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Concept : conscious uncoupling

never know what it is until i walk through it...guess i've manifested it.

The Light.

Growth is a lonely journey, 
whatever you do,
maintain your eyesight towards the light.

So you will be able to later step into the light and shine.

Until your embodiment of the light creates your shadow behind you,
That turn into memory, into lesson imprinted as your mark.

Your mark in this world,
That you exist,
And that...
you made the best of it.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Dimana pun kau berada.

Ambil waktu tuk mendengar qalbu mu berbisik menyatakan rasa yang perlu kau tenangi.
Atau, tangguhmu itu kan menjawab dengan kata berlangsir buat menyelindungi ronta.
Andai...kau berhasil keluar dari kemelut itu, maka ratakan galau itu dengan bingkisan hujah yang bernoktah.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Back Page.

The back page always have spontaneous stories,
...just as the kids who sits at the back of the class,
Some of my classmate who sits at the back has become enforcement officer, some married a rich wife, some business owners.

I myself used to sit at the back of the class (the smart kids class) ; which i hated, one time ago.. for 6 months i think, then deliberately caused  being kicked out of that class to another class (the tiada masa depan class) 
...guess i have the tendency to refuse to sit among my supposed peers and rather choose who i feel like it...

In a negative perspective its called 'cheating' to deliberately being transfer to last class.
In a positive light : its called 'strategy' because then i deny all expectation of being one of the smart kids.

The truth is i hated competition, in that A class its a rat race who gets the highest marks and contribute to school statistic.
But i want to live, i want to know who my friend is, how they live their life, why some of their houses use white fluorescent lamps and some uses orange bulbs...

So make careful plans but be spontaneous at our approach.. #livealittle 

Happy Saturday ya'll!